05 November 2019


本文作为笔者学习 Golang 调度器实现的总结,笔者带着如下几个问题,研究 go1.13.1 源码。

  • goroutine 是如何创建、调度、退出的?
  • 调度器是如何对 goroutine 进行上下文切换的?
  • 抢占式调度是怎么做的?
  • go 启动的时候会创建多少个 M,M 的数量在何时会增加?
  • 当 goroutine 阻塞时,关联的 P、M 会怎样?

goroutine 的创建

通过 go 关键字我们可以创建 goroutine,对应的底层是调用是runtime.newproc

// Create a new g running fn with siz bytes of arguments.
// Put it on the queue of g's waiting to run.
// The compiler turns a go statement into a call to this.
// Cannot split the stack because it assumes that the arguments
// are available sequentially after &fn; they would not be
// copied if a stack split occurred.
func newproc(siz int32, fn *funcval) {
    // size 参数大小
    // fn 函数指针
    argp := add(unsafe.Pointer(&fn), sys.PtrSize) // fn 参数指针
    gp := getg() // 获取当前的 g
    pc := getcallerpc() // go func () {} () 之后的下一条指令
    systemstack(func() { // 切换到 g0 调用 newproc1
        newproc1(fn, (*uint8)(argp), siz, gp, pc)

// Create a new g running fn with narg bytes of arguments starting
// at argp. callerpc is the address of the go statement that created
// this. The new g is put on the queue of g's waiting to run.
func newproc1(fn *funcval, argp *uint8, narg int32, callergp *g, callerpc uintptr) {
    _g_ := getg() // 获取 g0

    if fn == nil {
        _g_.m.throwing = -1 // do not dump full stacks
        throw("go of nil func value")
    // _g_.m.locks++ 禁止抢占
    acquirem() // disable preemption because it can be holding p in a local var
    siz := narg
    siz = (siz + 7) &^ 7 // 将 siz 调整为 8 的倍数

    // We could allocate a larger initial stack if necessary.
    // Not worth it: this is almost always an error.
    // 4*sizeof(uintreg): extra space added below
    // sizeof(uintreg): caller's LR (arm) or return address (x86, in gostartcall).
    if siz >= _StackMin-4*sys.RegSize-sys.RegSize {
        throw("newproc: function arguments too large for new goroutine")

    _p_ := _g_.m.p.ptr() // 获取当前 P
    newg := gfget(_p_) // 从 p.gFree 获取空闲的 g,如果 p.gFree 为空,则从全局的 sched.gFree 中搬运一部分到 p.gFree
    if newg == nil { // 如果还是获取不到 g 的话,则申请分配一个 g
        newg = malg(_StackMin) // 最小堆栈 2k
        casgstatus(newg, _Gidle, _Gdead) // 确保 new 的状态由 _Gidle 转为 _Gdead
        // 添加到全局g数组中
        allgadd(newg) // publishes with a g->status of Gdead so GC scanner doesn't look at uninitialized stack.
    if newg.stack.hi == 0 {
        throw("newproc1: newg missing stack")

    if readgstatus(newg) != _Gdead {
        throw("newproc1: new g is not Gdead")

    totalSize := 4*sys.RegSize + uintptr(siz) + sys.MinFrameSize // extra space in case of reads slightly beyond frame
    totalSize += -totalSize & (sys.SpAlign - 1)                  // align to spAlign
    sp := newg.stack.hi - totalSize
    spArg := sp
    if usesLR {
        // 特定系统架构下需要的处理
        // caller's LR
        *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
        spArg += sys.MinFrameSize
    if narg > 0 {
        // 复制参数
        memmove(unsafe.Pointer(spArg), unsafe.Pointer(argp), uintptr(narg))
        // 跟 gc 相关,先跳过
        // This is a stack-to-stack copy. If write barriers
        // are enabled and the source stack is grey (the
        // destination is always black), then perform a
        // barrier copy. We do this *after* the memmove
        // because the destination stack may have garbage on
        // it.
        if writeBarrier.needed && !_g_.m.curg.gcscandone {
            f := findfunc(fn.fn)
            stkmap := (*stackmap)(funcdata(f, _FUNCDATA_ArgsPointerMaps))
            if stkmap.nbit > 0 {
                // We're in the prologue, so it's always stack map index 0.
                bv := stackmapdata(stkmap, 0)
                bulkBarrierBitmap(spArg, spArg, uintptr(bv.n)*sys.PtrSize, 0, bv.bytedata)

    memclrNoHeapPointers(unsafe.Pointer(&newg.sched), unsafe.Sizeof(newg.sched))
    // 调度需要的信息
    newg.sched.sp = sp
    newg.stktopsp = sp
    newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
    newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
    // 对 newg.sched 做调整
    gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
    newg.gopc = callerpc
    newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp) // debug.tracebackancestors 调试使用
    newg.startpc = fn.fn
    if _g_.m.curg != nil {
        newg.labels = _g_.m.curg.labels
    if isSystemGoroutine(newg, false) { // 判断是否为 runtime 的 goroutine
        atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, +1)
    newg.gcscanvalid = false
    casgstatus(newg, _Gdead, _Grunnable)

    if _p_.goidcache == _p_.goidcacheend {
        // Sched.goidgen is the last allocated id,
        // this batch must be [sched.goidgen+1, sched.goidgen+GoidCacheBatch].
        // At startup sched.goidgen=0, so main goroutine receives goid=1.
        // 从全局的 sched 批量申请 goroutine id
        _p_.goidcache = atomic.Xadd64(&sched.goidgen, _GoidCacheBatch)
        _p_.goidcache -= _GoidCacheBatch - 1
        _p_.goidcacheend = _p_.goidcache + _GoidCacheBatch
    newg.goid = int64(_p_.goidcache) // 分配 goroutine id
    if raceenabled {
        newg.racectx = racegostart(callerpc)
    if trace.enabled {
        traceGoCreate(newg, newg.startpc)
    // 将 newg 作为下一个待运行的 g
    runqput(_p_, newg, true)

    // 如果有其它空闲的 P,并且没有 M 处于自旋等待 P 或 G,以及当前 g 不是 main goroutine
    if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 && mainStarted {

func runqput(_p_ *p, gp *g, next bool) {
    if randomizeScheduler && next && fastrand()%2 == 0 {
        next = false

    // 如果 next = true,将 gp 设置为下一个运行的 goroutine
    if next {
        // _p_.runnext 会在 runqgrab 中被并发访问,所以需要采用原子操作
        oldnext := _p_.runnext
        if !_p_.runnext.cas(oldnext, guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(gp))) {
            goto retryNext
        if oldnext == 0 {
        // Kick the old runnext out to the regular run queue.
        gp = oldnext.ptr()

    // 添加到本地无锁循环队列
    h := atomic.LoadAcq(&_p_.runqhead) // load-acquire, synchronize with consumers
    t := _p_.runqtail
    if t-h < uint32(len(_p_.runq)) {
        atomic.StoreRel(&_p_.runqtail, t+1) // store-release, makes the item available for consumption
    // 如果本地队列满了,则将本地队列半数的 goroutine 转移到全局 shced.runq
    if runqputslow(_p_, gp, h, t) {
    // the queue is not full, now the put above must succeed
    goto retry

goroutine 创建图示:

goroutine 调度执行

通过搜索调用func runqget(_p_ *p) (gp *g, inheritTime bool)的地方,找到了调度的入口是runtime.schedule(),而调用runtime.schedule()的地方有:

  • func exitsyscall0(gp *g):当 g 结束系统调用时,发现没有空闲的 p 可用
  • func goexit0(gp *g):g 结束了
  • func goschedImpl(gp *g):g 抢占、gc 开始和结束的时候
  • func mstart1():程序启动的时候
  • func park_m(gp *g):g 阻塞的时候


go 中用户代码进入系统调用的入口在src/syscall/syscall_linux.go,该文件中定义了三种类型的系统调用:

  1. 阻塞的:注释为 //sys 开头(grep ‘//sys\t’ syscall_linux.go),通过Syscall6Syscall执行系统调用
  2. 非阻塞的:注释为 //sysnb 开头(grep ‘//sysnb\t’ syscall_linux.go),通过RawSyscall6RawSyscall执行系统调用
  3. 封装的:例如 Rename -> RenameAt,主要是对输入参数做一些简化

SyscallRawSyscall的区别在于,Syscall会在系统调用执行前(runtime.entersyscall)和执行后(runtime.exitsyscall)通知 runtime。

runtime.entersyscall会导致 p 与 m 分离,释放 p,使得 p 可以被 sysmon 系统监控线程抢走,并被其他 m 使用:

// Standard syscall entry used by the go syscall library and normal cgo calls.
// This is exported via linkname to assembly in the syscall package.
//go:linkname entersyscall
func entersyscall() {
    reentersyscall(getcallerpc(), getcallersp())

func reentersyscall(pc, sp uintptr) {
    _g_ := getg()

    // Disable preemption because during this function g is in Gsyscall status,
    // but can have inconsistent g->sched, do not let GC observe it.

    // Entersyscall must not call any function that might split/grow the stack.
    // (See details in comment above.)
    // Catch calls that might, by replacing the stack guard with something that
    // will trip any stack check and leaving a flag to tell newstack to die.
    _g_.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
    _g_.throwsplit = true

    // Leave SP around for GC and traceback.
    // 保存堆栈指针 sp 和程序计数器 pc 到 g.sched 中
    save(pc, sp)
    _g_.syscallsp = sp
    _g_.syscallpc = pc
    casgstatus(_g_, _Grunning, _Gsyscall)
    if _g_.syscallsp < _g_.stack.lo || _g_.stack.hi < _g_.syscallsp {
        systemstack(func() {
            print("entersyscall inconsistent ", hex(_g_.syscallsp), " [", hex(_g_.stack.lo), ",", hex(_g_.stack.hi), "]\n")

    if trace.enabled {
        // systemstack itself clobbers g.sched.{pc,sp} and we might
        // need them later when the G is genuinely blocked in a
        // syscall
        // systemstack 会修改 g.sched,所以需要重新保存
        save(pc, sp)

    // 确保 sysmon 监控线程运行,因为它负责将因系统调用而长时间阻塞的 P 抢走,用于执行其它任务
    if atomic.Load(&sched.sysmonwait) != 0 {
        save(pc, sp)

    if _g_.m.p.ptr().runSafePointFn != 0 {
        // runSafePointFn may stack split if run on this stack
        save(pc, sp)

    _g_.m.syscalltick = _g_.m.p.ptr().syscalltick
    _g_.sysblocktraced = true
    // 将 m 与 p 解除关联
    _g_.m.mcache = nil
    pp := _g_.m.p.ptr()
    pp.m = 0
    _g_.m.p = 0
    atomic.Store(&pp.status, _Psyscall)
    if sched.gcwaiting != 0 {
        save(pc, sp)



func exitsyscall() {
    _g_ := getg() // 获取当前 g

    _g_.m.locks++ // see comment in entersyscall
    if getcallersp() > _g_.syscallsp {
        throw("exitsyscall: syscall frame is no longer valid")

    _g_.waitsince = 0
    oldp := _g_.m.oldp.ptr() // 获取进入系统调用前使用的 p
    _g_.m.oldp = 0
    if exitsyscallfast(oldp) {
        if _g_.m.mcache == nil {
            throw("lost mcache")
        if trace.enabled {
            if oldp != _g_.m.p.ptr() || _g_.m.syscalltick != _g_.m.p.ptr().syscalltick {
        // There's a cpu for us, so we can run.
        // We need to cas the status and scan before resuming...
        casgstatus(_g_, _Gsyscall, _Grunning)

        // Garbage collector isn't running (since we are),
        // so okay to clear syscallsp.
        _g_.syscallsp = 0
        if _g_.preempt {
            // restore the preemption request in case we've cleared it in newstack
            _g_.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
        } else {
            // otherwise restore the real _StackGuard, we've spoiled it in entersyscall/entersyscallblock
            _g_.stackguard0 = _g_.stack.lo + _StackGuard
        _g_.throwsplit = false

        if sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(_g_) {
            // Scheduling of this goroutine is disabled.


    // 没找到可用的 P
    _g_.sysexitticks = 0
    if trace.enabled {
        // Wait till traceGoSysBlock event is emitted.
        // This ensures consistency of the trace (the goroutine is started after it is blocked).
        for oldp != nil && oldp.syscalltick == _g_.m.syscalltick {
        // We can't trace syscall exit right now because we don't have a P.
        // Tracing code can invoke write barriers that cannot run without a P.
        // So instead we remember the syscall exit time and emit the event
        // in execute when we have a P.
        _g_.sysexitticks = cputicks()


    // Call the scheduler.
    mcall(exitsyscall0) // 移除当前 g 与 m 的关联,将当前 g 放到调度器的可执行队列中,并执行调度器的调度操作,即 runtime.schedule 函数

    // g 被调度执行了
    if _g_.m.mcache == nil {
        throw("lost mcache")

    // Scheduler returned, so we're allowed to run now.
    // Delete the syscallsp information that we left for
    // the garbage collector during the system call.
    // Must wait until now because until gosched returns
    // we don't know for sure that the garbage collector
    // is not running.
    _g_.syscallsp = 0
    _g_.throwsplit = false

func exitsyscallfast(oldp *p) bool {
    _g_ := getg()

    // 调度器停止调度
    // Freezetheworld sets stopwait but does not retake P's.
    if sched.stopwait == freezeStopWait {
        return false

    // oldp 是否还处于 _Psyscall 状态,如果是的话,直接拿来用
    // Try to re-acquire the last P.
    if oldp != nil && oldp.status == _Psyscall && atomic.Cas(&oldp.status, _Psyscall, _Pidle) {
        // There's a cpu for us, so we can run.
        wirep(oldp) // 将 p 与 m 进行关联
        return true

    // 寻找其他空闲的 P
    // Try to get any other idle P.
    if sched.pidle != 0 {
        var ok bool
        systemstack(func() {
            // 尝试从调度器的空闲 P 列表中获取
            ok = exitsyscallfast_pidle()
            if ok && trace.enabled {
                if oldp != nil {
                    // Wait till traceGoSysBlock event is emitted.
                    // This ensures consistency of the trace (the goroutine is started after it is blocked).
                    for oldp.syscalltick == _g_.m.syscalltick {
        if ok {
            return true
    return false
// One round of scheduler: find a runnable goroutine and execute it.
// Never returns.
func schedule() {
    _g_ := getg()

    if _g_.m.locks != 0 {
        throw("schedule: holding locks")

    if _g_.m.lockedg != 0 {
        execute(_g_.m.lockedg.ptr(), false) // Never returns.

    // We should not schedule away from a g that is executing a cgo call,
    // since the cgo call is using the m's g0 stack.
    if _g_.m.incgo {
        throw("schedule: in cgo")

    if sched.gcwaiting != 0 {
        goto top
    if _g_.m.p.ptr().runSafePointFn != 0 {

    var gp *g
    var inheritTime bool

    // Normal goroutines will check for need to wakeP in ready,
    // but GCworkers and tracereaders will not, so the check must
    // be done here instead.
    tryWakeP := false
    if trace.enabled || trace.shutdown {
        gp = traceReader()
        if gp != nil {
            casgstatus(gp, _Gwaiting, _Grunnable)
            traceGoUnpark(gp, 0)
            tryWakeP = true
    // gc mark 阶段,运行标记 goroutine:_p_.gcBgMarkWorker
    if gp == nil && gcBlackenEnabled != 0 {
        gp = gcController.findRunnableGCWorker(_g_.m.p.ptr())
        tryWakeP = tryWakeP || gp != nil
    // 确保全局等待队列中的 g 也能被调度
    if gp == nil {
        // Check the global runnable queue once in a while to ensure fairness.
        // Otherwise two goroutines can completely occupy the local runqueue
        // by constantly respawning each other.
        if _g_.m.p.ptr().schedtick%61 == 0 && sched.runqsize > 0 {
            gp = globrunqget(_g_.m.p.ptr(), 1)
    // 从 p 的本地队列中获取等待执行的 g
    if gp == nil {
        gp, inheritTime = runqget(_g_.m.p.ptr())
        if gp != nil && _g_.m.spinning {
            throw("schedule: spinning with local work")
    if gp == nil {
        // 尝试从其他 p 中偷取部分 g
        // 从全局等待队列获取 g
        // 从网络I/O等待队列中获取可执行的 g
        gp, inheritTime = findrunnable() // blocks until work is available

    // This thread is going to run a goroutine and is not spinning anymore,
    // so if it was marked as spinning we need to reset it now and potentially
    // start a new spinning M.
    if _g_.m.spinning {

    if sched.disable.user && !schedEnabled(gp) {
        // Scheduling of this goroutine is disabled. Put it on
        // the list of pending runnable goroutines for when we
        // re-enable user scheduling and look again.
        if schedEnabled(gp) {
            // Something re-enabled scheduling while we
            // were acquiring the lock.
        } else {
            goto top

    // If about to schedule a not-normal goroutine (a GCworker or tracereader),
    // wake a P if there is one.
    if tryWakeP {
        if atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) != 0 && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning) == 0 {
    if gp.lockedm != 0 {
        // Hands off own p to the locked m,
        // then blocks waiting for a new p.
        goto top

    execute(gp, inheritTime)

goroutine 抢占

从监控线程 sysmon 开始看:

// Always runs without a P, so write barriers are not allowed.
func sysmon() {
    checkdead() // 死锁检查

    lasttrace := int64(0)
    idle := 0 // how many cycles in succession we had not wokeup somebody
    delay := uint32(0)
    for {
        if idle == 0 { // start with 20us sleep...
            delay = 20
        } else if idle > 50 { // start doubling the sleep after 1ms...
            delay *= 2
        if delay > 10*1000 { // up to 10ms
            delay = 10 * 1000
        // gc STW
        // 所有 P 都空闲
        if debug.schedtrace <= 0 && (sched.gcwaiting != 0 || atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) == uint32(gomaxprocs)) {
            if atomic.Load(&sched.gcwaiting) != 0 || atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) == uint32(gomaxprocs) {
                // sysmon 进入休眠
                atomic.Store(&sched.sysmonwait, 1)
                // Make wake-up period small enough
                // for the sampling to be correct.
                maxsleep := forcegcperiod / 2
                shouldRelax := true
                if osRelaxMinNS > 0 {
                    next := timeSleepUntil()
                    now := nanotime()
                    if next-now < osRelaxMinNS {
                        shouldRelax = false
                if shouldRelax {
                notetsleep(&sched.sysmonnote, maxsleep)
                if shouldRelax {
                // sysmon 退出休眠
                atomic.Store(&sched.sysmonwait, 0)
                idle = 0
                delay = 20
        // trigger libc interceptors if needed
        if *cgo_yield != nil {
            asmcgocall(*cgo_yield, nil)
        // poll network if not polled for more than 10ms
        lastpoll := int64(atomic.Load64(&sched.lastpoll))
        now := nanotime()
        if netpollinited() && lastpoll != 0 && lastpoll+10*1000*1000 < now {
            atomic.Cas64(&sched.lastpoll, uint64(lastpoll), uint64(now))
            list := netpoll(false) // non-blocking - returns list of goroutines
            if !list.empty() {
                // Need to decrement number of idle locked M's
                // (pretending that one more is running) before injectglist.
                // Otherwise it can lead to the following situation:
                // injectglist grabs all P's but before it starts M's to run the P's,
                // another M returns from syscall, finishes running its G,
                // observes that there is no work to do and no other running M's
                // and reports deadlock.
        // 抢夺因为 syscall 而长时间阻塞的 P
        // 对长时间运行的 G 发起抢占
        // retake P's blocked in syscalls
        // and preempt long running G's
        if retake(now) != 0 {
            idle = 0
        } else {
        // check if we need to force a GC
        if t := (gcTrigger{kind: gcTriggerTime, now: now}); t.test() && atomic.Load(&forcegc.idle) != 0 {
            forcegc.idle = 0
            var list gList
        if debug.schedtrace > 0 && lasttrace+int64(debug.schedtrace)*1000000 <= now {
            lasttrace = now
            schedtrace(debug.scheddetail > 0)

// forcePreemptNS is the time slice given to a G before it is
// preempted.
const forcePreemptNS = 10 * 1000 * 1000 // 10ms

func retake(now int64) uint32 {
    n := 0
    // Prevent allp slice changes. This lock will be completely
    // uncontended unless we're already stopping the world.
    // We can't use a range loop over allp because we may
    // temporarily drop the allpLock. Hence, we need to re-fetch
    // allp each time around the loop.
    for i := 0; i < len(allp); i++ {
        _p_ := allp[i]
        if _p_ == nil {
            // This can happen if procresize has grown
            // allp but not yet created new Ps.
        pd := &_p_.sysmontick
        s := _p_.status
        sysretake := false
        if s == _Prunning || s == _Psyscall {
            // Preempt G if it's running for too long.
            // 如果 G 运行时间过长,则进行抢占
            t := int64(_p_.schedtick)
            // pd 是统计信息
            if int64(pd.schedtick) != t {
                pd.schedtick = uint32(t)
                pd.schedwhen = now
            } else if pd.schedwhen+forcePreemptNS <= now {
                // 最近的一次调度,到现在已经超过 10 ms 了
                // In case of syscall, preemptone() doesn't
                // work, because there is no M wired to P.
                sysretake = true
        if s == _Psyscall {
            // Retake P from syscall if it's there for more than 1 sysmon tick (at least 20us).
            t := int64(_p_.syscalltick)
            if !sysretake && int64(pd.syscalltick) != t {
                pd.syscalltick = uint32(t)
                pd.syscallwhen = now
            // On the one hand we don't want to retake Ps if there is no other work to do,
            // but on the other hand we want to retake them eventually
            // because they can prevent the sysmon thread from deep sleep.
            // 当前 P 没有待运行的 G,且存在空闲的 M 或 P,且进入 syscall 状态还不到 10 ms
            // 不抢夺
            if runqempty(_p_) && atomic.Load(&sched.nmspinning)+atomic.Load(&sched.npidle) > 0 && pd.syscallwhen+10*1000*1000 > now {
            // Drop allpLock so we can take sched.lock.
            // Need to decrement number of idle locked M's
            // (pretending that one more is running) before the CAS.
            // Otherwise the M from which we retake can exit the syscall,
            // increment nmidle and report deadlock.
            // 抢夺 P
            if atomic.Cas(&_p_.status, s, _Pidle) {
                if trace.enabled {
    return uint32(n)

func preemptone(_p_ *p) bool {
    mp := _p_.m.ptr()
    // 如果 p 是与当前的 m 绑定的,不抢占
    if mp == nil || mp == getg().m {
        return false
    gp := mp.curg
    // 如果 m 正在执行 g0,不抢占
    if gp == nil || gp == mp.g0 {
        return false

    // 抢占
    gp.preempt = true

    // Every call in a go routine checks for stack overflow by
    // comparing the current stack pointer to gp->stackguard0.
    // Setting gp->stackguard0 to StackPreempt folds
    // preemption into the normal stack overflow check.
    // 在栈扩容的时候进行抢占
    gp.stackguard0 = stackPreempt
    return true


  1. 栈扩容runtime.newstack()的时候(当 g 被抢占时,g.stackguard0 = stackPreempt > sp)
  2. GC 标记的时候(这里并没有看明白)

直到 go1.13.1 版本,尚未解决 for 循环中不存在函数调用的抢占问题(这个问题会导致 gc STW 等待时间过长)。如下代码运行后无法输出OK

package main
import (
func main() {
    go func() {
        for {

为了解决这个问题,在 go1.14 版本中,通过向 M 发送抢占信号 SIGURG 来解决,操作系统会中断 M ,并执行信号处理函数。信号处理函数修改 M 的上下文,并恢复到 asyncPreempt 中执行,然后进入调度循环。具体可参考Go Under The Hood 抢占式调度/M 抢占

goroutine 的退出

在 goroutine 创建的时候,调度的上下文 PC 被设置为 goexit 函数:

    newg.sched.sp = sp
    newg.stktopsp = sp
    newg.sched.pc = funcPC(goexit) + sys.PCQuantum // +PCQuantum so that previous instruction is in same function
    newg.sched.g = guintptr(unsafe.Pointer(newg))
    gostartcallfn(&newg.sched, fn)
    newg.gopc = callerpc
    newg.ancestors = saveAncestors(callergp)
    newg.startpc = fn.fn

在 gostartcallfn 中:

// adjust Gobuf as if it executed a call to fn with context ctxt
// and then did an immediate gosave.
func gostartcall(buf *gobuf, fn, ctxt unsafe.Pointer) {
    sp := buf.sp
    if sys.RegSize > sys.PtrSize {
        sp -= sys.PtrSize
        *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = 0
    sp -= sys.PtrSize
    *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(sp)) = buf.pc // 将 goexit 函数调整为当前栈帧的返回地址
    buf.sp = sp
    buf.pc = uintptr(fn) // 将 PC 设置为 fn
    buf.ctxt = ctxt

所以当每个 goroutine 结束的时候,都会调用 goexit:

// goexit continuation on g0.
func goexit0(gp *g) {
    _g_ := getg() // g0

    casgstatus(gp, _Grunning, _Gdead)
    if isSystemGoroutine(gp, false) {
        atomic.Xadd(&sched.ngsys, -1)
    gp.m = nil
    locked := gp.lockedm != 0
    gp.lockedm = 0
    _g_.m.lockedg = 0
    gp.paniconfault = false
    gp._defer = nil // should be true already but just in case.
    gp._panic = nil // non-nil for Goexit during panic. points at stack-allocated data.
    gp.writebuf = nil
    gp.waitreason = 0
    gp.param = nil
    gp.labels = nil
    gp.timer = nil

    if gcBlackenEnabled != 0 && gp.gcAssistBytes > 0 {
        // 如果 gp 参与了标记
        // Flush assist credit to the global pool. This gives
        // better information to pacing if the application is
        // rapidly creating an exiting goroutines.
        scanCredit := int64(gcController.assistWorkPerByte * float64(gp.gcAssistBytes))
        atomic.Xaddint64(&gcController.bgScanCredit, scanCredit)
        gp.gcAssistBytes = 0

    // Note that gp's stack scan is now "valid" because it has no
    // stack.
    gp.gcscanvalid = true
    dropg() // 将 g0 与 m 解绑

    if GOARCH == "wasm" { // no threads yet on wasm
        gfput(_g_.m.p.ptr(), gp)
        schedule() // never returns

    if _g_.m.lockedInt != 0 {
        print("invalid m->lockedInt = ", _g_.m.lockedInt, "\n")
        throw("internal lockOSThread error")
    gfput(_g_.m.p.ptr(), gp) // 放回 p.gFree,如果 p.gFree 达到 64 个,则搬移一半到 sched.gFree
    if locked {
        // The goroutine may have locked this thread because
        // it put it in an unusual kernel state. Kill it
        // rather than returning it to the thread pool.

        // Return to mstart, which will release the P and exit
        // the thread.
        if GOOS != "plan9" { // See golang.org/issue/22227.
        } else {
            // Clear lockedExt on plan9 since we may end up re-using
            // this thread.
            _g_.m.lockedExt = 0

go 程序的启动


P 的数量默认为 CPU 的核心数,M 的数量一开始是1,即只有 m0,后续会根据需要创建。

M 是通过allocm(_p_ *p, fn func())创建的,但只是分配了对应结构体的内存,并没有真正创建操作系统线程。真正创建操作系统线程是在newm(fn func(), _p_ *p)

什么情况下会调用newm(fn func(), _p_ *p)创建操作系统线程?主要有如下2中情况:

  1. 创建运行时所需的操作系统线程:sysmon 和 templateThread
  2. 有空闲的 P 和等待运行的 G,并且没有空闲的 M,此时会创建新的操作系统线程来绑定 P 后执行 G

P 的状态转换

procresize(nproc int32) 只在 schedinit() 和 startTheWorldWithSema(emitTraceEvent bool) 中调用

G 的状态转换

(_Gscan)表示能与 GC 标记共存的状态。